Admissions: Requirements

Below are the general application requirements for students interested in attending AOC. We provide more information during the AOC Information Night. AOC is a high school and accepts students entering 9th grade and only accepts rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students if spots are available.
In order to be considered for admission and be provided an application to apply, the student and parent/guardian must attend an AOC Information Night. There are typically 3 information nights available all hosted via Zoom in November.  If you do NOT attend an information night, we do NOT send an application link.
For Students Residing in Hart District Boundaries and attending a Hart District school For Students Residing in Hart District Boundaries but attending a Non-Hart District School
All applicants must attend Parent/Student Information Night (attendance is taken during meeting) All applicants must attend Parent/Student Information Night (attendance is taken during meeting)
Typically a 3.0 GPA or higher  Typically a 3.0 GPA or higher
Must be in good behavioral and attendance standing Must be in good behavioral and attendance standing
Siblings of students who are currently enrolled and will continue attending AOC are not subject to lottery* based on current district policy Must submit transcripts, attendance records, behavior report, and 8th grade progress reports**
Submit Lottery Application by published due date  Submit Lottery Application by published due date 
*Hart District Sibling Policy at AOC
  1. A sibling applicant must be the sibling of a CURRENT AOC 9th, 10th, or 11th grader.
  2. A sibling of a current graduating senior is not a sibling applicant since both siblings will not attend AOC at the same time.
  3. Sibling applicants are NOT automatically admitted to AOC.
  4. Sibling applicants must submit an application by the application deadline.
  5. Sibling applicants are reviewed like all applicants for eligibility into the lottery.
  6. Incoming 9th grade sibling applicants who are eligible for the lottery will be offered admission PRIOR to the lottery.
  7. Incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th grade sibling applicants who are eligible for the lottery will be offered admission PRIOR to the 10-12 grade lottery only if there are available spots in the grade level.
  8. All sibling applicants will have to accept or decline the offer of admission PRIOR to the lottery.
  1. If you reside in the Hart District boundaries, but your child attends a NON-Hart District junior high or high school. We ask for additional paperwork because we do not have access to the student’s record. Out of district schools include: Castaic middle school, Trinity, OLPH, Valley Christian, Charter Schools, SCVI, LAUSD, etc.
  2. Additional documents include: Transcript or Report Cards for 7th and 8th grade or most current grade; Most recent progress report; Attendance Report or letter; Discipline/Behavior Report or letter; IEP/504 (if applicable)
  3. Documents can be submitted via email to [email protected] or in-person