Academics » Course Offerings

Course Offerings

AOC/COC Course Offerings

Updated for 2024-2025

These courses reflect the typical schedule for AOC students. 
9th Grade
High School Courses
Honors English 9
Biology NGSS
9th Grade Seminar
Human Geography
Math (see below)
College Courses
CAWT (Computer App & Web Tech) 140 (fall semester)
Counseling 110 (spring semester)
PE (1 class per semester)
10th Grade
High School Courses
Honors English 10
Honors Modern Civilizations
Honors Chemistry
Math (see below)
College Courses
College Math (if not taking math at AOC)
IGETC Area 3 and Area 4 (1 class per semester)
PE (1 class per semester)
11th Grade
High School Courses
Honors English 11
Honors US History
Elective (See List Below)
College Courses (6-11 units per semester)
College Math
IGETC Areas 3-5, LOTE (language other than English)
12th Grade
High School Courses
Honors English 12
Honors Gov (1 Semester)
Honors Econ (1 Semester)
Elective (See List Below)
College Courses (6-11 units per semester)
IGETC Areas 1-5

High School Courses
Algebra I or Honors Algebra I
Geometry or Honors Geometry during summer
Algebra II or Honors Algebra II/Trig

College Courses
All students take math at the college after completing high school Algebra I/Honors Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II/Honors Algebra II/Trig. Educational goals determine course scope and sequence. Each course is one semester in length. Listed below are the college's math courses.
Math 102 Trigonometry (college level)
Math 104 Pre-Calculus (college level)
Math 140  Introductory Statistics
Math 211 Calculus I
Math 212 Calculus II
Math 213 Calculus II
Math 214 Linear Algebra
Math 215 Differential Equations
Math 240 Math Analysis for Business/Social Science
Year Long
9th Grade Seminar/10-12 Advisement
Student Government (ASB)
Student Tutoring (invitation only)
Yearbook (application required)

Semester Long (vary each semester)
Non-Profit Ventures
Personal Finance
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Communications Management
20th Century Wars
Sci Contributions in History
Sport in our American Culture
CTE Health Services IAB and IIAB